Anyways, back to the review! This book is sort of depressing, but it's very enlightening, for lack of a better word. Give A Boy A Gun is a fictional take on the tragedies that are high school shootings. Based on the Columbine High Massacre in 1999, the book tells the story of two teenagers' breakdowns through a series of interviews and quotes from people who knew them. Through their friends and family, you slowly discover what drove Brendan and Gary to the edge. The thing that almost made me cry was the list of real school shootings at the end of the book, and it isn't even that up to date.
Although it's sad, I think it's important for us to learn about this stuff, so that maybe we can put a stop to some of it and help these people. You can find out more about author Todd Strasser here. And now, I end the depressing stuff, and leave you with the reminder to read Violet On The Runway by Melissa Walker this month for the Dekoposh Book Club! Have a great week, guys! And if you happen to be without electricity on the coast in these stormy times, I hope you get it back soon!
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