Whether you saw the Disney movie as a kid, or one of the less well-known versions, you probably know the basics about Lewis Carroll's famous story. Little girl named Alice, talking white rabbit, grinning Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, and the temperamental Queen of Hearts. But did you know there are actually two parts to Alice's Adventures In Wonderland? Carroll (whose real name, by the way, was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson!) wrote a sequel called Through The Looking-Glass, which often gets combined with the first story in most editions of the book.
I used to find this book too eerie for me; I saw more of the nightmare side of things than the dream side. But I decided to try it again, and I'm enjoying it so far. I recommend that you read this classic before you see the movie; maybe you'll catch some references to the original that you would miss normally! If you're an information hog like me, you should also check out the official Wikipedia page. Lots of cool stuff!
Thanks to Melissa Walker for coming to our Dekoposh Book Club meeting last week, it was great! I keep forgetting to mention that we're reading E. Lockhart's The Disreputable History Of Frankie Landau-Banks for the month of January! Happy reading!
Oh my, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!... ;)
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