
welcome to the deko and posh blog

Hey V.I.T.'s (very important tweens and teens) Deko and Posh here. Our blog is a view of all the news happening around the world that effects us. We find the Top Stories of the Day and we post them for you to read. We would like your input on all these issues we face today as tweens and teens. Nothing is off limits. If you want us to discuss something leave us a comment or send us an email at or

Our Mission: To empower all V.I.T.s to make positive changes today for a better tomorrow by volunteering, giving back, becoming leaders and teaching others to do the same.

Our Blog is all about Tops Stories of the Day, Fashion, Design, Volunteering, Charities, and how all these topic's effect us. And in our store online and in person you will find all your must have's by color. Yes, that's right we have color coordinated our entire store because everyone has a favorite color. Be sure to explore the colors at dekoposh at

Nominate a Tween or Teen for the D.A.P.L Award

Driven and Passionate Leaders

Nominate a Tween or Teen that is making a difference
D.A.P.L. (Deko and Posh) here...We are going to be highlighting tweens and teens every month on making a difference either through volunteering, awards, activities, and/or making a difference. Here are the rules, you can nominate yourself or someone can nominate a V.I.T., the tween or teen must be between the ages of 8-19, an essay and/or write-up about yourself or the person you are nominating must be emailed to us at, we need the full name-age-gender-and location (address not necessary just city, state), please tell us all you can so we can make our choices. We look forward to hearing about what all our V.I.T.s (very important tween & teens) are doing to make a difference.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year's Resolution #3: Get Organized!

This week, in my next-to-last New Year's Resolution related post (see the first and second posts), I'll be covering organization. Organization is something that's on most people's lists that tends to never get done, but seems to be one of the more simple things to do. It's not much about changing your habits but rather arranging your enviroment to suit your habits.

Organization being one of the top elements on my list, I decided to share with you my favorite internet resources I have used to get my resolution resolved (Yes, I can actually find something in my room now! Not that I couldn't before, but it's easier now.)!

Check these out!:

Backboard ( This free service (as long as you don't upload files bigger then 5mb) allows you to upload files of all sorts and screen shots of websites for others to review. You can make your backboard visible to the world or just to a few people. This would be great for school projects or personal projects were you would normally be forced to email your document around.

Organization podcast for the creative( My mom and me listened to this a few weeks ago and we were laughing the whole time. Not only is it hilarious, this interview with Lee Silber(author and entrepreneur, is really helpful and interesting. His organization strategies are based on the right brain/left brain theory. In résumé, right brain people are creative and scatterbrained while left brain people unoriginal and highly organized. This podcast is aimed towards right brains, but I think anyone who has trouble organization could enjoy it.

Notely ( This site has everything you need to get organized for school including notetaking, a to do list, homework schedule, class schedule, and more. It also has tools that can be helpful for your work such as calculators and converters.

Pageonce ( Ever had trouble remembering all those passwords and usernames (sarcastic comment here!)? This site can help it. Pageonce allows you to create one password protected page which automatically logs you in to all your accounts and shows you a preview of them. It's free, completely secure (although, personally speaking, I wouldn't have it log me in to any uber-important stuffs such as a bank account), and not a gimmick.

PBwiki ( This site is great for organizing group projects for school. It creates a webpage that only members can access that allows you to upload folders and allow certain people to edit or read what's in the folder. Finally, no more desperate searching for a time to meet up with your group partners! To sign up for a personal account (PB wiki also offers business accounts), see

Remember The Milk ( This site lets you create a high tech to-do list for yourself and others. They have both free accounts and a fee-based pro account which offers more service. I would definetely recommend the free account for teens- the pro account offers higher tech services that you probably won't end up using.

Wuduplz ( This site lets you open a free account that you can use to send text messages to friends and family at a scheduled time. For example, you can program the site to send a text message to your parents a few minutes before the end of ballet practice (or whatever other activity you do) to remind them to pick you up.

Anybody else have recommendations for organization sites?



Posh said...

OMG...I look forward to your Column all the time. What great sites.


Deko said...

My family uses Have you checked that out?
