
welcome to the deko and posh blog

Hey V.I.T.'s (very important tweens and teens) Deko and Posh here. Our blog is a view of all the news happening around the world that effects us. We find the Top Stories of the Day and we post them for you to read. We would like your input on all these issues we face today as tweens and teens. Nothing is off limits. If you want us to discuss something leave us a comment or send us an email at or

Our Mission: To empower all V.I.T.s to make positive changes today for a better tomorrow by volunteering, giving back, becoming leaders and teaching others to do the same.

Our Blog is all about Tops Stories of the Day, Fashion, Design, Volunteering, Charities, and how all these topic's effect us. And in our store online and in person you will find all your must have's by color. Yes, that's right we have color coordinated our entire store because everyone has a favorite color. Be sure to explore the colors at dekoposh at

Nominate a Tween or Teen for the D.A.P.L Award

Driven and Passionate Leaders

Nominate a Tween or Teen that is making a difference
D.A.P.L. (Deko and Posh) here...We are going to be highlighting tweens and teens every month on making a difference either through volunteering, awards, activities, and/or making a difference. Here are the rules, you can nominate yourself or someone can nominate a V.I.T., the tween or teen must be between the ages of 8-19, an essay and/or write-up about yourself or the person you are nominating must be emailed to us at, we need the full name-age-gender-and location (address not necessary just city, state), please tell us all you can so we can make our choices. We look forward to hearing about what all our V.I.T.s (very important tween & teens) are doing to make a difference.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Daily Good Gossip

PETA UK Names Morrissey As Person Of The Year 2011

PETA UK has named Morrissey as its Person of the Year 2011.

From "A long-time champion of animal rights and vegetarianism, this year the Lancashire born singer – described by NME as “one of the most influential artists ever” – has once again been using the limelight to shine a light on the terrible suffering that animals endure on factory farms and inside abattoirs.

“During his European tour, Morrissey had information tables with animal rights literature manned by friendly PETA volunteers who chatted with concertgoers and distributed thousands of vegetarian/vegan starter kits. He and his band wore shirts with animal rights messages on stage and played PETA US’ “Meet Your Meat” video during the shows to educate the audiences about the reality of life for animals on factory farms. He even convinced a huge Belgian music festival to go meat-free on the day of his performance!

“Never one to hold back, Morrissey has fearlessly mouthed off about the meat trade and helped promote kindness to animals worldwide in bold ways, including being immortalized in PETA US’ “Vegetarian Icon” postage stamp series – with more than 20,000 stamps selling out in less than two weeks!"

Read more:

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