And then I woke up.
Love is so much more complicated in real life. There isn’t exactly one guy standing out waving his sword over the doomed dragon shouting, “I’m him - your prince!” Because I don’t know who he is, or where he is - I have to guess. And then I found out that, after I do find him, life isn’t suddenly going to be perfect. We’re going to have to work through the challenges of life, he isn’t going to be perfect, and neither am I. The fairytale I knew – the one I wanted – slipped away so quickly.
However, I've realized over time that my fairytale has not completely ended, it's just been replaced. The new fairytale is where the challenge of finding him will make me realize how valuable he is when I do find him. And the deep dark valleys that we'll have to travel through together - well, they'll just show us exactly how beautiful a sunset is from the mountains tops.
It's not going to be Snow White and Prince Charming, Cinderella and the prince with the glass slipper, or riding on a magic carpet. But it is going to be amazing, despite the trials; my own little fairytale waiting to happen.
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