How about Robert Corbet's novel Fifteen Love? Mia, the girl who doesn't want a boyfriend--boys are so immature, and it'd just be tedious! And Will, hopelessly in love with Mia, who hasn't got a clue about what girls really like. This is your literature equivalent of that cute romantic comedy, only way better!
V-Day wouldn't feel right without some poetry stuck in there. Instead of your usual mushy roses-are-red, violets-are-blue (which is so not true, most violets I've ever seen are purple!), try some original poems written by teens like you in Falling Hard. It can be so inspiring to read these lovely and intense poems, and know that someone your age wrote it!
And of course, we have If We Kiss by Rachel Vail, all about, you guessed it: kissing. Charlie has always wondered what her first kiss would be like; suddenly, it happens, and she's not sure if it's all that great at first. But with this kiss, and the guy she shared it with, comes a multitude of complications, with love in the air and jealousy abound!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little lovey-dovey review, and have a great Valentine's Day!
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