The father of Azharuddin in not satisfied and this is what he said:
"My son has taken on the world and won. I am so proud of him but I want more money. I want the money now, it is of no use later. Mr. Boyle should take care of my son."Let's not forget the father was just photographed hitting his son, he is a very abusive father.
This is just so sad, you take something so good and so positive and someone (the father) has to do something so stupid like this. Can't he just be happy, what a great opportunity they have been given all for FREE???
Your thoughts please...
I agree dekoposh, Inc. Team. Why did this man have to go there? Greed, I am sure.
I beleive, it's enough for boy, $30 a week in India, maybe just $25.000 for 18 years is not enough. His Further shouldn't think that it's his money at all.
Azharuddin Ismail ia a nice boy, i believe))))))
PS: Sorry for bed english, it isn't my native language
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