
welcome to the deko and posh blog

Hey V.I.T.'s (very important tweens and teens) Deko and Posh here. Our blog is a view of all the news happening around the world that effects us. We find the Top Stories of the Day and we post them for you to read. We would like your input on all these issues we face today as tweens and teens. Nothing is off limits. If you want us to discuss something leave us a comment or send us an email at or

Our Mission: To empower all V.I.T.s to make positive changes today for a better tomorrow by volunteering, giving back, becoming leaders and teaching others to do the same.

Our Blog is all about Tops Stories of the Day, Fashion, Design, Volunteering, Charities, and how all these topic's effect us. And in our store online and in person you will find all your must have's by color. Yes, that's right we have color coordinated our entire store because everyone has a favorite color. Be sure to explore the colors at dekoposh at

Nominate a Tween or Teen for the D.A.P.L Award

Driven and Passionate Leaders

Nominate a Tween or Teen that is making a difference
D.A.P.L. (Deko and Posh) here...We are going to be highlighting tweens and teens every month on making a difference either through volunteering, awards, activities, and/or making a difference. Here are the rules, you can nominate yourself or someone can nominate a V.I.T., the tween or teen must be between the ages of 8-19, an essay and/or write-up about yourself or the person you are nominating must be emailed to us at, we need the full name-age-gender-and location (address not necessary just city, state), please tell us all you can so we can make our choices. We look forward to hearing about what all our V.I.T.s (very important tween & teens) are doing to make a difference.

Monday, June 15, 2009

One Pimple is One Too Many - Bullying

Bullies. We've all encountered them.

Why is it that some people's idea of fun is to put someone down?
I'll never know.

I do know this:

Being a bully is not cool and should not be tolerated.

If you ever feel like someone is threatening you or putting you down in any way:
Tell a parent, teacher or another authority figure.

In the unfortunate case that a teacher is the one doing the bullying,
don't be afraid to tell your parents.

No matter what ANYONE tries to tell you,
it is not snitching/being a tattle tale if you tell a person in authority that someone is bullying you. Truthfully, the person doing the bullying is scared of getting into trouble.

In this day in age, there's also something called online bullying

If anyone ever sends you a mean email/text or posts a blog entry about you that is degrading in any way, don't be afraid to step up and tell your parents! I keep repeating myself because this is VERY important!

If anyone is ever bullying you, tell your parents!
They know what you're going through and most often, know the perfect way to put a stop to it.

Be safe everyone and have a great week!



deko and posh said...

Great, great...advice! Tell the world you are being bullied!!! OK...Ms. Teen Advice girl for next week what is your advice on the Jonas Brothers???? Should we have pictures of them in our rooms, should we listen to their music everyday, should we be jealous when we see them with their girlfriends, should we tell our boyfriends that they need to dress like them, should we dream about them, should we be so obsessed with these boys? What is it like being a Jonas Brother fan? Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Loved the blog and the advice. A job well done but I have a question...what do you do if the parent is the one doing the bullying? To their own child, I mean.

deko and posh said...

To Anonymous...please get help! No child should be bullied by their own parent. This is more like child abuse. Go to your church, school, or call a hotline in your local community and get some expert advice. No child should be bullied by anyone. If you need to talk more, come back here...leave us another comment and we will try to help. Thanks for leaving Ariel a comment.

arielsmiles said...

Anonymous, I wish I could wrap my arms around you and give you a big hug! I completely agree with DekoPosh... talk to a trusted pastor or counselor, they're willing and ready to listen. Don't be afraid to speak up! I'll be praying for you and I hope that everything works out!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, that gives me a lot of hope that everything will be okay soon.

It's not really physical bullying's more verbal. Like my mom has those days when she gets really frustrated and she takes a lot of it out on me, throwing insults at me and I try not to let it bother me but it really shatters my self esteem and self confidence. She's bilingual and sometimes she'll yell insults at me in that language and most of the time I don't understand what she's saying, but I can tell their bad.

She knows she has a prblem too and she went to the doctor to get help but he told her she would need steroids and she freaked out and didn't go back or take the steroids.

She gets in those moods every once in a while, but they get really bad when they happen. I don't know what to do. My parents are completely in denial about all of this but it's tearing our family apart. I don't know what to do anymore.

Sorry this is so ended up longer than I expected.

arielsmiles said...

Anonymous - verbal abuse is STILL abuse. Please, talk with a trusted counselor or call the National Youth Crisis Hotline: 800-442-4673 for expert advice. It's completely anonymous and they are more than ready to help in any way they can.

Praying for the best!


Anonymous said...

Okay I will try that.

Thank you so much!