
welcome to the deko and posh blog

Hey V.I.T.'s (very important tweens and teens) Deko and Posh here. Our blog is a view of all the news happening around the world that effects us. We find the Top Stories of the Day and we post them for you to read. We would like your input on all these issues we face today as tweens and teens. Nothing is off limits. If you want us to discuss something leave us a comment or send us an email at or

Our Mission: To empower all V.I.T.s to make positive changes today for a better tomorrow by volunteering, giving back, becoming leaders and teaching others to do the same.

Our Blog is all about Tops Stories of the Day, Fashion, Design, Volunteering, Charities, and how all these topic's effect us. And in our store online and in person you will find all your must have's by color. Yes, that's right we have color coordinated our entire store because everyone has a favorite color. Be sure to explore the colors at dekoposh at

Nominate a Tween or Teen for the D.A.P.L Award

Driven and Passionate Leaders

Nominate a Tween or Teen that is making a difference
D.A.P.L. (Deko and Posh) here...We are going to be highlighting tweens and teens every month on making a difference either through volunteering, awards, activities, and/or making a difference. Here are the rules, you can nominate yourself or someone can nominate a V.I.T., the tween or teen must be between the ages of 8-19, an essay and/or write-up about yourself or the person you are nominating must be emailed to us at, we need the full name-age-gender-and location (address not necessary just city, state), please tell us all you can so we can make our choices. We look forward to hearing about what all our V.I.T.s (very important tween & teens) are doing to make a difference.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh the Plastic!

Okay readers, we're back on plastic. Bags to be specific. I was thinking about it the other day when I came home from Target. I was unloading groceries, and I decided I would count the number of plastic bags I had used on my trip.

Final Tally: 19

Nineteen. NINETEEN! For a week’s worth of groceries! If my mother gets the exact same number of items for the next year, that’s 988 bags a year.

Thinking about that many plastic bags sitting in landfills made my head hurt. And plastic bags aren’t even biodegradable. They photodegrade, meaning they break down slowly into smaller toxins. I don't want to be responsible for the release of 988 toxins!

How icky.

So we have to recycle them, peeps. Or at least re-use them.

Plastic bags serve many purposes, so get your full use out of them instead of just throwing them away.

On the side of the Target back alone you have ten suggestions:

1. Tiny Trash Can Liner
2. Doggy Duty
3. Water Balloon
4. Road Trip Rubbish
5. Soggy Laundry
6. Ice Pack
7. Toiletry Tote
8. Kitty Litter Liner
9. Tomorrow Lunch Bag
10. Care Package Padding

Save your planet. Be the change :)


deko and posh said...

Aah...water balloon Target bag sounds like a lot of fun! You gave us some great ideas.

dekoposh, Inc. Team

Posh said...

I am getting so good Shannon, you would be proud of me. I carry my bags with me everywhere. Forget those ugly plastic bags, they are not stylish enough for me!


Deko said...

We never realized what throwing all those plastic grocery bags were doing to environment. I will take your advice!
